Monday 11 July, 2011

reapplying organic matter to the basin

After reapplying organic matter to the basin it is important to apply insecticide to the place where the organic matter was kept

applying insecticide to the plot ,walking backwords

Sunday 10 July, 2011

applying insecticide to the basin of the plant

After applying insecticide to the basin of the plant we refilled the basin with the organic matter which was earlier removed.

aplying insectside through rose can

burmistry beetle

burmistry beetle

eggs of rootgrub

Saturday 9 July, 2011

At last we found beetles.

On May 18 one of my worker brought one beetle to my house.And it was burmistry beetle.He said that a good number of such beetles were there in his farm yard.Last year he had seen hund
reds of beetles in one plant,he said.There after he collected as much as beetles he can.
On June 19 Dr.A.R.V.Kumar came and took samples for grub activity.That night we went to that workers house to collect beetles.We found around 20 beetles in one cashew plant.But the surprise is that beetles preferred one single cashew plant.It could not be seen in other cashew plants.The next day again that worker ,Koragappa Gowda,brought few more beetles.Dr.Prakash told that most of it was female one.
One good thing happened this time is that we learnt to differentiate male from female beetles.I think this will be considered as our major achievement in due course.
In my plot we found very little grubs around 30,in samples but about 40 eggs were collected from different spot.Dr.Kumar told that this is a cause for concern.And he asked to carry insecticide application this year too.I hope that this will be the last insecticide application to control rootgrub problem.