I had been asked by Dr. Prakash to keep record of the rainfall this year.Not the amount of rain but the date of it.Earlier someone told that beetles emerge exactly after two inches of rain.Whether it is in inches or centimeters I don't remember now.This year first rain came on 29 march.About 15 minutes of rain that I consider equivalent to one time irrigation.Second good rain came on10 April.Beetles started to emerge after 7 April.After 18 April we had very good rain almost everyday for about a week.I went to the plot for a few day's in the evening to observe the beetle activity.
I failed to observe beetles in the plot.But there are a lot of beetles nearby rubber plantation.The beetles which we found was not Burmistry.Those beetles were smaller than burmistry and may be grey [or brown]colour.Another limitation for me to observe beetles was that my plot has filled with grass.
Don't understand how those people-Begane Kadappa Gowda,Agali Nagesh Rao collects beetle in their plot.
I failed to observe beetles in the plot.But there are a lot of beetles nearby rubber plantation.The beetles which we found was not Burmistry.Those beetles were smaller than burmistry and may be grey [or brown]colour.Another limitation for me to observe beetles was that my plot has filled with grass.
Don't understand how those people-Begane Kadappa Gowda,Agali Nagesh Rao collects beetle in their plot.