Thursday, 15 October 2009

Achivements of the seminar

But the major question anyone could ask is what are the achievements of the seminar? Firstly ,we,farmers came to know that there are three kinds of the grubs which damage the arecanut plant.We came to know the life cycle of the root grub or the beetle.The importance of the time and the controlling method was emphasized.Though there were a few sceptics a good number of farmers were impressed.
After the seminar root grub problem was considered as major problem in arecanut plots.As Dr.Virendra Kumar ,K.V.K.Mangalore,once said everyone started to talk about root grub.
Even the horticulture department,specially in Sullia taluk started to distribute several items free of cost or for minimal price.In fact they started to give importance to me.I got several things like neem cake,boron,zinc sulphate and some organic manure from them.Now they are willing to conduct any number of programs in this regard.
Above all probably for the first time an affort from the scientist is started to control the root grub in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi district.Hence I consider the seminar was a huge success.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Controlling the grub chemically

Initially I as well as other farmers too thought that chemical application is easier than other methods. To prepare the plot for chemical application is itself a tedious one.
First remove the weeds and grass from the plot.Pesticides must be applied to the soil and not to the organic matter.Either using weedicides like glycel,round up or brush-cutters like oleomac you can remove the weeds.Then every organic matter must be removed from the plot especially from the basin of the plant.
Afterwords measure the required quantity of the pesticides and put it in a barrel.Fill the barrel with water.Then either with the gator sprayer or rose can spray the pesticides uniformly throughout the plot.Make sure that the plot get recommended dose of the pesticide.It is important that the chemical is drained into the soil. To make sure spray the pesticides when it rains.Rain must not heavy,all the water must penetrate into the soil.If it not raining apply sprinkler water to the plot.
Afterwords you can reapply the organic matter,which was removed earlier, to the soil. It seems very important to use the chemical in the rainy condition.
This year, In my plot Dr. Kumar sir applied five types of the pesticides .As of now the recommended pesticides were phorate 10g,chloropyriphos 20ec,imidacloprid 200sl,