As I said in the last post Dr.Ghosh of P.C.I.visited Markanja a day prior to the day of the seminar.I showed him the paper cuttings which carried the news of the rootgrub problem.After looking the Vijaya karnataka paper he asked with me who gave the photo to the paper. I said that they took photo from me and I got the photo from Dr.Kumar sir.He was interested and I showed him entire photo collection which Kumar sir gave to me.Then he said that a few days earlier he was participating in a function on root grub control.A person,he did not name him,was showing all the photos which he just saw and telling the audience that he along with one of his associate took all those photos ,hence it was his work.Kumar sir said that if it was his work let him name the girl in the photo. She was Kumar sirs assistant.
When I was busy in attending phone calls one person told with me that one farmer from Belthangady is working on grub control and the other day he gave a talk on grub control on the radio.I got his phone number and called the person. He said that he was collecting the beetles in June month.I again called him in the month of May to ascertain the exact time to collect beetles.On May 20 he said that beetles was yet to emerge.On June first week he said that beetles emerge only after few rains. On June second week he said that beetles was emerged earlier in May second week as we had rains at that time.What he forgot is that last year too we had good rains in the month of May and he says that he collected beetles in June.Another peculiar thing with this person was that apart from him no other person in his family was aware of the things to do or the timings to the work.My doubt is that he collected some information from some where and telling that he was doing all those things.
This is only two examples of the fraudulent persons who want name and fame but don't have any practical experience.
In the month of June Sujatha paper published article on rootgrub control. The article was written by Dr.S.S.Patil of Brahmavar K.V.K.On the face of it it was informative.But several question were unanswered in it.And new question were emerged.I wrote an Email to the paper asking several questions.What is the name of host trees .why controlling the grub is so difficult if beetles was attracted towards light,what is the name of nematodes to be used and from where the farmers could collect it, were some of my questions.I got no answer either from the paper nor from the scientist.Later I learnt that each article published in papers would earn a few points in their academic life.In another case another person published hundreds of articles in Kannada language,although he did not know Kannada language.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Achivements of the seminar
But the major question anyone could ask is what are the achievements of the seminar? Firstly ,we,farmers came to know that there are three kinds of the grubs which damage the arecanut plant.We came to know the life cycle of the root grub or the beetle.The importance of the time and the controlling method was emphasized.Though there were a few sceptics a good number of farmers were impressed.
After the seminar root grub problem was considered as major problem in arecanut plots.As Dr.Virendra Kumar ,K.V.K.Mangalore,once said everyone started to talk about root grub.
Even the horticulture department,specially in Sullia taluk started to distribute several items free of cost or for minimal price.In fact they started to give importance to me.I got several things like neem cake,boron,zinc sulphate and some organic manure from them.Now they are willing to conduct any number of programs in this regard.
Above all probably for the first time an affort from the scientist is started to control the root grub in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi district.Hence I consider the seminar was a huge success.
After the seminar root grub problem was considered as major problem in arecanut plots.As Dr.Virendra Kumar ,K.V.K.Mangalore,once said everyone started to talk about root grub.
Even the horticulture department,specially in Sullia taluk started to distribute several items free of cost or for minimal price.In fact they started to give importance to me.I got several things like neem cake,boron,zinc sulphate and some organic manure from them.Now they are willing to conduct any number of programs in this regard.
Above all probably for the first time an affort from the scientist is started to control the root grub in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi district.Hence I consider the seminar was a huge success.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Controlling the grub chemically
Initially I as well as other farmers too thought that chemical application is easier than other methods. To prepare the plot for chemical application is itself a tedious one.
First remove the weeds and grass from the plot.Pesticides must be applied to the soil and not to the organic matter.Either using weedicides like glycel,round up or brush-cutters like oleomac you can remove the weeds.Then every organic matter must be removed from the plot especially from the basin of the plant.
Afterwords measure the required quantity of the pesticides and put it in a barrel.Fill the barrel with water.Then either with the gator sprayer or rose can spray the pesticides uniformly throughout the plot.Make sure that the plot get recommended dose of the pesticide.It is important that the chemical is drained into the soil. To make sure spray the pesticides when it rains.Rain must not heavy,all the water must penetrate into the soil.If it not raining apply sprinkler water to the plot.
Afterwords you can reapply the organic matter,which was removed earlier, to the soil. It seems very important to use the chemical in the rainy condition.
This year, In my plot Dr. Kumar sir applied five types of the pesticides .As of now the recommended pesticides were phorate 10g,chloropyriphos 20ec,imidacloprid 200sl,
First remove the weeds and grass from the plot.Pesticides must be applied to the soil and not to the organic matter.Either using weedicides like glycel,round up or brush-cutters like oleomac you can remove the weeds.Then every organic matter must be removed from the plot especially from the basin of the plant.
Afterwords measure the required quantity of the pesticides and put it in a barrel.Fill the barrel with water.Then either with the gator sprayer or rose can spray the pesticides uniformly throughout the plot.Make sure that the plot get recommended dose of the pesticide.It is important that the chemical is drained into the soil. To make sure spray the pesticides when it rains.Rain must not heavy,all the water must penetrate into the soil.If it not raining apply sprinkler water to the plot.
Afterwords you can reapply the organic matter,which was removed earlier, to the soil. It seems very important to use the chemical in the rainy condition.
This year, In my plot Dr. Kumar sir applied five types of the pesticides .As of now the recommended pesticides were phorate 10g,chloropyriphos 20ec,imidacloprid 200sl,
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
controlling the grub manually
To control the grub knowledge of the life cycle of the grub is essential.It is said that in the evening ,after sunset beetles can be collected manually.Normally beetles emerges after pre-monsoon showers ,may be in the month of May-June.After emerging from the soil it sits or fly's at about 4 feet height.After mating it lays eggs in the soil and flies higher in search of food.Begane Kadappa Gowda controls the grub problem by collecting it manually.But the method needs very high concentration and affort,I personally failed to collect even a single grub this year.Each female beetles lays about 50 eggs and collecting one beetle means destroying 50 would be grubs. After one month of the beetle emergence little larvae can be found in the soil.This happens around in the end of July month.By forking the land grubs can be found and collected manually.Dr.A.R.V.Kumar says that if the right method is employed 99percent of the grubs could be destroyed by this. If we want to apply the chemicals this is the right time to apply it. In the month of September -October third stage grubs can be found in depth of the soil.Now the drainage canals must be blocked to increase the water level.As the water level increases the grubs comes to the top soil within 3-4 days.Grubs can be collected after forking the land. To control the grubs timing and methodology is very important otherwise we are spending only the time and money over it .
Actually the root grubs are the larvae of the beetle.It has four stages of development.While Lepidophora and Burmistry require two years to complete its life cycle Coniophora needs only one year.The eggs,larvae,and pupa were always in the soil.Only the beetles came out from the soil,have intercourse with other sex,eats its food and return to the soil.Every year it came out from the soil in the pre determined period and time.Beetles came out from the soil at the evening time,a little after sunset.Burmistry and Coniophora flys in the June month and Lepidophora flys in the month of July or August.This is only an indicator and the exact timing may vary from year to year depending upon the monsoon season. Immediately after the mating the beetles lays eggs in the soil.Eggs can be found in 6-60 inches depth of the soil.In about 15 days larvae came out from the egg.Its head has red colour with large size.Its body has white colour.Young larvae eats the organic matter in the soil. It reaches the second stage within 30-45 days. Now it is ready to eat roots of the arecanut plant.The grubs can be found around the arecanut palm.Its length may be 2.5-3cms. The grubs remain in this stage for about 2.5months or even more.Then it reaches the third stage.Lepidophora and Burmistry remains in the third stage for 14-18months.Most times farmers observe the grubs in this stage and it is almost impossible to control it now. After this stage the grubs enter the pupa stage.Pupa can be found 2-5feet below the surface.In about 15days pupa becomes beetle.The beetle remains in the soil waiting for the rain and appropriate time to emerge. THIS IS ONLY AN INDICATOR,EXACT TIME MAY VARY FROM PLACE TO PLACE.AS I AM ONLY A FARMER AND NOT AN EXPERT THERE MAY BE MISTAKES IN THE WRITINGS.
Root grub is the major cause of destruction of arecanut plantation in Malanad region.Identifying the root grub problem is little difficult.Decreasing number and size of the flower,shortened leaves,yellowing of the leaves in some periods,decreasing size of the stem at the top which ultimately lets the plant to die were the common symptoms of the root grub.If we searched the basin of the plant by digging we can find finger sized,whitish,C-shaped,grubs with three pair of legs in the soil. There are several forms of root grubs in the arecanut plantations in the Malanad region.All grubs are C-shaped.But amongst them only one grub damages the arecanut plant.Apart from arecanut these grubs also damages sugar cane,coconut,plants too. There are three types of grubs in the Malanad region which damages the arecanut plant.Leacophelis lepidophora,Leacophelis coniophora,and Leacophelis burmistry [spelling may not be correct]were the three type of grubs.Coniophora canbe found in the coastal region,lepidophora in other places.Although it is said that Burmistry is very rare in the Malanad region,it is the same grub which is in my plot.Not only in my plot but also in my whole village,nearby villages too,and may be in the whole Taluk too.In fact whoever brought grubs to the seminar brought Burmistry grubs.Only one sample had Lepidophora grub.That grub was brought from Mairaje Ashok Bhats farm which is in Markanja village.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
The Seminar
The seminar was to be held on 22-2-09 at local government school.Dr.Kumar came to Markanja on 20-2-09 evening after visiting Jedla Shreedhr Bhats plot.Next day he applied few bio controllers in my plot as an experiment. At the same time Dr.Ghosh from Pest control India too visited my plot. He gave metarizium anisapole of their company and applied it in a basket with grubs mixed with cow dung.He remained with us for the whole day.After treatment in my plot we visited about five farmers plot in the village which was affected by the grub problem.One of the plot visited was affected by yellow leaf disease.At the same time under the guidance of Mapalthota Krishna Bhat a few persons along with the students and teachers of the school made arrangments for the seminar in the school.Mapalthota Subraya Bhat brought vegitables and other things needed for the lunch. Next day,that is Sunday,we went to the school at 9 am. Several farmers brought grubs collected from their plot.Dr.Kumar identified all grubs brought as of bermistry variety except one.That was brought from Mairaje of Markanja village and it was lepidaphora variety.Those attended the seminar includes Dr.Anand and Dr.Ravi Bhat of C.P.C.R.I.Vittal,Dr.Hanumanthappa and Dr.Virendra Kumar of K.V.K.Manglore,Dr.Shivanna of K.V.K.Brahmavar. Badanaje Shankar Bhat,Shrinivas Achar,Padar Ramakrishna Shastri,also attended. Amongst the farmers a good number of them came from other taluks like Puttur, Belthangady, Karkala,Manglore. Around 250 farmers were present in the seminar.I am sorry if I have omitted any other persons name whom I must mention here.Using slides Dr.Kumar explained the life cycle of the grub ,efforts done to control it and his methodology to control the problem.Farmers were actively participated with their questions. I am going to write the gist of his talking at another place. Almost all press persons who were in Sullia and Etv and Suvarna news channel's reporters too were present. Media highlighted the program and thus very good after coverage too got to the seminar. The local M.L.A. S. Angara came to the seminar on his own. After a few minutes of listening to Kumars talking he invited all scientists to a room and asked them what must be done from the government side to control this problem.After Kumar sir gave his opinion I asked for a Lab for Sullia to help farmers. But they were politicians and I am told in later days that he did nothing afterwords. But on the whole the seminar was a huge success and most of the farmers participated were seem to be happy. From my side I was happy since the seminar brought down a few myths associated with grub problem.
Monday, 24 August 2009
root grub

This grub is eating the root of the plants.In the early stage it eats organic matter.At that time it is easy to kill it as it is on top of the soil.In the second stage it will enter soil.Then it is difficult to kill it
larvae of beetle,the root grub

This grub is developed one Its colour is nearing yellow. This shows that it has acquired fat in it and is preparing to enter the pupa stage.No chemical will kill it now.But a soft pressure on it is enough to kill it.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Monday, 10 August 2009
Meanwhile I must mention a few calls and contacts which I had to take. Jedla Shreedhara Bhat of Sampaje called and narrated his experience with scientists in controlling the yellow leaf decease.Scientists would come at 12pm and do something ,dig here and there,and return at 1pm .After a few visits by them, his attempt to bring them failed because his workers refused to work with them.He had a large collection of printed materials concerning the problem.His argument is that yellow leaf and root grub is the same problem.To support his opinion he collected a good number of root grubs in a bottle.Another achievement was that he found another nematode inside the root of arecanut plant.I visited his plot.His income,as he said,reduced to 25 percent.Now he is shifting to rubber cultivation. IF A FARMER DECIDES TO SHIFT HIS CROP, BECAUSE HE CANNOT FIND SOLUTION TO HIS PROBLEM,IS IT NOT THE FAILURE OF CONCERNED SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY-in this case of C.P.C.R.I.VITTAL? But a call from Mumbai gave me strength.The caller called just to support morally.He said that through one of his friend he knows the manner of Kalam sir. Kalam sir personally reads every letter he receives. Another caller from Belthangady criticized me. You,literates ,find solution through emails,but what about illiterates and poor was his question.I informed him that the seminar is being conducted for the help of others and not for me.Some farmers told their affort ,some success and some failures,in controlling the grubs.Success stories generally involved the application of laterite soil.An aged farmer from Alike,near Vittal,posted a letter to me .His plot too was affected by rootgrubs 30 years back.He controlled it by using chlorodon.Farmers must help one another was his statement. Some farmers simply wont understood the article.They asked with me the solution to grub problem,some other wanted to know solution to other problems they face. Personally my greatest loss was that I could not irrigate the plot for two weeks.Due to that some plants died afterwords. I had to tell this because of some persons reaction which I heard. I was conducting the seminar for my own profit,to promote me personally,to get publicity etc. With all these experiences we are ready to conduct the seminar.
Monday, 20 July 2009
I am an individual,not an organization.To conduct a seminar an organization is required.Hence I talked with several persons.Local Dharmasthala gramina development coordinator,grama panchayat member, grama panchayat president, Markanja,taluk panchayat member - every one agreed to cooperate,but did not took initiative to conduct the program.All of them had their own problems.Meanwhile C.P.C.R.I.director Dr.Balasinha told with me that horticulture department must conduct these seminars.So I went to horticulture dept.Sullia and narrated the story to its head. His argument was that scientists did not informed them of their visit.Hence they cannot conduct program as of now. Let them do their work and seminar could be conducted after they succeed in controlling the grubs.What I thought that no one will come to my rescue and I have to bear the entire cost of the program. The surprise element in the episode is the participation of Mapalthota Subraya Bhat.His plot was not affected by grub problem but he took interest in the program. He contacted several persons on his own and asked with me to go ahead with the program. He said that there are several persons who are willing to contribute to the program.He even contacted Adike Patrike team and they too keen to participate in the meeting.But the major problem remained .How to contact root grub affected farmers? One day I teliphoned to Mr. Harish Bantwal of Suddi Bidugade and asked his help in this matter. He asked me to visit his office and assured his help.Meanwhile my brother Prakash ,who happened to meet Gangadhara Matti of Udaya vaani paper told the story.When I went to Suddi office Harish asked me to write the story in a paper and took my phone numbers. Out side the office I found Matti also and he too heard the story from me. On 7 and 8 of february 2009 we along with family members and relatives went to Kumara Parvatha for trekking.While returning suddenly I got a mobile massage from Mahesh Puchchappady of Suvarna news that he wants to meet me.I did not know what had happened.We were completely tired and not in a mood to contact anyone.When I put the telephone connection after reached the home it started ringing.One by one caller asked about the grub problem and the solution .I told them about the seminar and a little later started to took the address of the callers.My brother later showed the Udayavaani sunday paper. My story was in the front page with my phone number. After a few months I asked with Matti about this. He told that it was the disition of the editor to put the news in the front page.But anyhow it did wonders.Suddenly a crage developed and everyone started to highlight the grub problem in arecanut garden.Then there was no looking back .I talked with Dr.A.R.V.Kumar and disided to conduct the seminar on 22-2-09.Meanwhile Dr. Balasinha sent me a mail which was a copy of the order given by district horticulture department to Sullia horticulture department to arrange the seminar in Markanja.I took a print of that mail and went to Taluk panchayat president Shankar Peraje.Our taluk panchayat member Harish Kanjapili was also present.Shankar Peraje immediately asked the horticulture dept officials to help me in the matter. Everything was changed now. I got a warm welcome in the horticulture department.Now they offered every help and agreed to bear the entire cost of the meeting.All impediments in conducting the seminar was over.As per the direction of Kumar sir we invited scientists from C.P.C.R.I.Vittal,K.V.K.Mangalore,K.V.K.Brahmavar along with Kumar sir. After a few days what I learnt that root grub problem is widely spread in the coastal region and Malnad region. But areas which have laterite soil do not had this problem.I had addresses of about 50 farmers who are suffering from grub problem. I must thank the media,both papers and T.V.channels,for the success of the meeting.Almost all papers which are locally available carried the news.T.V.channels too showed the grub affected plots and gave widespread publicity. Otherwise we couldn't these level of success.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
ನಡೆದ ಆಶ್ಚರ್ಯದ ಘಟನೆ
The organic farmers meeting in Bangalore was to be held on 26-1-2009.I wrote to Kalam on 20-1-09.On 23-1-09 I had an email in my box which was from C.P.C.R.I.Vittal asking me to provide root to my plot.Next day C.P.C.R.I.Vittal director Dr.Balasinha,Dr.Ravi Bhat, Dr.Mariamma were in my plot at 12 pm. They viewed my plot,confirmed that it was affected by root grub. They were visibly a little bit angry with me,their argument was I had not consulted them before.They said that I was done nothing to eradicate rootgrub. I had not done forking the land was chief among them.Even though I had applied chemicals they cant agree with me.But they offered help to me in future. I learned the scientific name of the grub,bermistry ,in short. About three days after another scientist from Bangalore G.K.V.K. Dr.A.R.V.Kumar came to my plot. I was not impressed by Scientist from Vittal. But Kumar sir explained in detail about grub problem.He made us dig the land and search for grubs. He explained the difference between several grubs.In the afternoon he gave a talk on grubs to us using his laptop.Those who present were impressed. Most importantly his views corresponded with our view in several matters. Later he asked our full cooperation in controlling the grub problem. He asked us to conduct a seminar on grub problem in near future for that I agreed. My impression was that to conduct a seminar with a scientist attending would invite participants as well as sponsors too. But to my horror it was a different story.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
In the meantime I heard that Karnataka state government is organizing a organic farmers meeting in Bangalore. Apart from others Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam,former president of India participate in the meeting. I am told that Dr.Kalam is going to administer oath to farmers that they will carry organic farming. I have lost faith in organic farming. I heard about several organic farmers. In my opinion organic farming is a platform to some farmers to sell their products in exorbitant price. Several of them purchase inputs to their products from markets which need not be organic. I think that if some farmers truly believe in their oath and started to practice organic farming all of sudden they may commit suicide. I have respect for Dr.Kalam . I wanted to show the futility of organic farming . Actually I never expected a reply. My anger was that when there was no solution to my problem,either organic or inorganic, how dare these people claim that organic farming will solve farmers difficulties. Mark this, successful organic farmers always cultivates in ideal condition. But most of the farmers do not have this advantage. They have to fight with several problems. One day I searched for Dr.Kalams email address and ultimately got one. I write a letter to Kalam sir explaining my problem and asked him to do something .My request was to search for a phermone trap or identify a biological control. When I was typing massage my son asked with me what would Kalam do? I was th roughing a stone , I don't know who will read my letter. Even if Kalam sir read it I do not know whether he will do anything. But there was a chance, if and only if he took interest and asked somebody to do something , there was a remote chance of getting a solution to my problem. I said with my son that I do not expect personal reply , I will be very happy if some person somewhere took initiative to find a solution to grub problem. BUT WHAT HAPPENED IS BEYOND MY IMAGINATION .
Thursday, 9 April 2009
ಮುಗಿಯದ ಗೊಂದಲ
Suggestions to eradicate the white grub problem are many. Applying laterite soil or mura mannu is one amongst them. We do not have quality laterite soil nearby. Hence we removed the soil from the pit of dead arecanut palm and refilled it with red soil which we have in the vicinity. And drenched it with chloropyriphose. My worker said at that time that if the plant failed to survive in this pit we can stop replanting . All those plants survived for only one year. The next advice was that plot must be forked and grubs be removed manually. As I got some workers from Gadag Part of the plot was forked and grubs was picked and destroyed.Everyday hundreds of grubs were collected and destroyed. The work was done in the month of September. But to my surprise instead of recovering the plot deteriorated further. Now I lost all hope. But in these periods I found that several farmers are suffering from this problem. To some I suggested the use of chloropyriphose or phorate. To my surprise atleast one of them said that he got good result with the pesticide. One thing is certain. Those pesticides which I use are recommended worldwide for grub problem. Hence medicine is correct. May be timing and methodology of application is wrong. But every where it was recommended to apply in the month of May-June or August-September. Instead of pouring the pesticide it was advised to dig some holes in the areca pit and put pesticide there. It was tried.And it took the whole months work .No improvements was noticed. In the meanwhile about 700 palm were destroyed.And my income was considerably decreased. To be frank more than the whitegrub problem comments from others was unbearable. Simply farmers were not understand why grubs attack only a few plots? While some plots shows recovery why others not? Hence we got the reputation of lazy farmers,I am not cultivating the land, grubs are everywhere because of my poor maintenance, it was problem to me, and they successfully controlled this menace. And some merchants in the guise of organic farming,try to sell their products. One such person visited our plot. I showed him part of the plot which had no problem. He immediately proclaimed that all of our problem aroused from imbalance in the nutrient supply. Solution- purchasing manure from his company. We proceeded to the grub attacked plot and explained the problem . His reaction is very simple . In the evening beetles come and sit in plants in the boundary. Stroke it and collect it.We laughed behind him because that plot did not had boundary plants. In this way several persons tried their best to sell their products to us. Everyone claiming their product was best in controlling the grub problem. I lost faith in organic products with this. I decided that it is not possible for me to retain the arecanut plants for a long time. Since I manage rubber plantation I have something to eat. Last year the income from the arecanut plot was not sufficient to pay labour charges. Some farmers say other crops like banana, cocoa can be cultivated in these plot. But in my plot both these plants wont worked. I decided to plant acacia and ordered for 5000 plants.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
ಮುಂದುವರಿದ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆ ಪರಿಹಾರವೆಲ್ಲಿ
After a long time my broadband connection was reestablished. What was said by Mr. K.M.Bhat was believable at that time. He said that chloropyriphose is systemic poison. Hence whole plant become poisonous.The grubs which directly contacted the poison will die. Those which escaped direct contact will die when it eats arecanut roots.The poison will remain in the soil for about 20 years in dry weather. It may remain for 3 years in the open conditions. Hence I may have to apply poison for every 3 years. Days passed.I did not wanted to give root grub second chance to reemerge. Hence I decided and applied chloropyriphose second time in the month of May which is the right time of treatment.The price of arecanut had fallen to 40 rupees from 150 rupees at that time. But rootgrubs emerged in the monsoon period . Then I started to talk about this problem with every one. Several suggestions came forward. As grubs feed upon organic matter organic fertilizers must be avoided.Only chemical fertilizers must be applied to the plot. Grubs will die if it is submerged under water. I asked our workers to dig arecanut pits between two plants. My idea was to put organic matter in those pits. Then organic matter wont had direct contact with the plants. I put P.V.C.pipes at the end of drainage canals,so as to close it whenever necessary. I tried to submerge the plot under water in the month of August. But I could submerge only two patte or four lines of the plot.After one week when the drainage was opened we observed a few dead grubs. But the problem is that we cannot do this experiment in the whole plot. Because the plot is sandy in nature. But what I observed in summer period is disgusting. Grub problem was visible in extended area.
Friday, 20 March 2009
ಸಾರೀ, ಬ್ರಾಡ್ಬ್ಯಾಂಡ್ disconnected
Due to some technical reasons and lethargy of bsnl officials my broadband was disconnected for sometime. Even though technically I have broadband connection I couldn't open any page. Hence I am unable to write to anything. Now I am writing this using air tel mobile as modem. This is very slow and disgusting. I took almost 90 minutes to open this page. Mean while I am waiting for Dr.Kumars visit to Markanja for studying white grub problem. I am in no mood to write anymore .thank you.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಯ ಆರಂಭ
When I started to manage my plantation in 1995 I wanted to become an exemplary farmer in the locality. I was in the plantation throughout the day . When the irrigation period started I was in the plot in night also. I changed the sprinkler jets every hour and practically I could not sleep in night. During day time my motor pump was and is not working because of low voltage. In the year 2000 I got the result for my work in the form of yield.On an average I got 2.95 kg arecanut per plant.I was not satisfied. I wanted 3.25kg supari per plant. When I inspected the plot I found that a patch of land gave very low yield. The plot was considered as water logging area. I increased the number as well as depth of the drainage canals. Next year I got a shock. Some of the plants weakened and died. Earlier some workers showed me some grubs resembling larvae of beetles in the soil. At that time I laughed at them and assured them that it will not harm the plant . In my opinion those grubs will eat only organic dead material. In the meanwhile I heard that one of neighbor also had the same problem and he was able to manage it. I contacted him and got the phone no. of Mr. K.M.Bhat,Rallies India company's dealer. He came to the plot and showed me the symptoms of white grub attack. He assured that using chlorophiriphose will solve the problem . Even though it was a little late I can still apply the chemical. That was in the end of June month.After the treatment I did not find white grubs in the basin of arecanut plant but found it in other areas. When I asked him about this he said that chemical application was done only to the basin and not to other areas. I am fully satisfied and thought that I controlled white grub problem. THIS WAS NOT THE END OF THE PROBLEM BUT ONLY THE BEGINNING.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
As a president of India ,in my opinion, Kalam gave no opportunity to criticize him except in the Bihar fiasco. After retirement he is active in teaching and motivating countrymen. As a farmer I had a problem of white grub in my arecanut plantation. In the beginning Mr. K.M.Bhat of Rallies India identified the problem and asked me to apply chloropyriphose . This was in end of the June month of 2001 perhaps. Afterwords every year I applied either chloropyriphose or phorate to my field. White grub flourished and my plants started to die. At present I lost almost half of my plantation. I lost hope of retaining arecanut plantation . Suddenly somehow I thought of sending an e mail to Kalam sir . I searched for his mail address and send a mail describing my story. Within four days C.P.C.R.I.Vittals scientists visited my plot and assured all help. And in afew days A scientist from G.K.V.K.Benglore came to my house and asked pemission to do some field trials . Idont know what Kalam did , but all these things happened because of him. I lost an oportunity to criticize Kalam sir. That is why I say Kalam is great. We need leaders like him.
I am a beginer
Hey, I am new to blogging world. At present I don't know how to utilize this. But I will learn in due course. Sorry, I am slow in learning. I am a farmer. Though I have two degrees to my credit , my English is very poor. I have interest in farming,i.e. arecanut and rubber. I got broadband connection one month back. afterwords I am trying to learn a little more in this field. I will add my views in due course. I need help from others to improve myself. Thank you.
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